Transcend Teilenummer TS1TSJ25C3N TS1TSJ25C3N TS2TSJ25C3N Buscar referencia del producto (P/N) y número de serie (S/N). Download Software Wie überprüft man die Seriennummer (S/N oder W/O)? Beschreibung Betriebssystem Größe Version Datei 2025.03.17RecoveRx Windows / Mac OS 4MB v4.3 / v2.6 Download 2024.04.15Secure Erase Tool for the Locked ESD / StoreJet Windows 2MB v1.8 Download 2024.12.23Transcend Elite Windows / Mac OS 61MB v4.27 / v2.9 Download Anleitung Wie überprüft man die Seriennummer (S/N oder W/O)? Beschreibung Sprache Größe Datei StoreJet 25/35 Manual (German) Deutsch 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (English) English 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Traditional Chinese) 繁體中文 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Japanese) 日本語 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Korean) 한국어 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Spanish-EU) Español 922KB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual Simplified Chinese 简体中文 808KB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (French) Français 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Italian) Italiano 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Russian) Русский 2MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Czech) český 1MB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Dutch) Dutch 916KB Download StoreJet 25/35 Manual (Portuguese) Português 2MB Download FAQ All Specification / Capacity / Performance Setup / Operation Software / Firmware / Applications Compatibility Why it is not recommended to remove the product casing or disassemble the product? Can portable external hard drives (StoreJet) be used on smartphones/tablets? Why can't I partition my SSD or external hard drive on macOS? Why do files occupy more disk space when saved to flash drives/external hard drives/solid state drives? Why is the writing speed of my StoreJet extremely slow when the reading speed is normal? Why is the file not successfully backed up when I use Transend Elite for scheduled backup? Can Transcend’s portable HDD be used for TV recording? What should I do when my external hard drive is displayed as "uninitialized" and "unallocated"? What are some functional differences between the Windows and the Mac versions of Transcend Elite? Why can't my Elite App log in to iCloud with the Apple ID verification code? « 1 2 3 4 5 » Technischer Support Keine passende Hilfe ? Dann kontaktieren Sie bitte den technischen Support Los geht's Kompatibilität Video-Anleitungen Entschuldigen Sie, es wurden keine Ergebnisse gefunden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns direkt, falls Sie Hilfe benötigen. Los geht's